Frenchie FAQs

Everything you need to know & should be asking about your potential French Bulldog


  • Simple! Our program works as follows:

    To officially reserve a puppy and your place in line to pick your puppy, we require a non-refundable $500.00 deposit. As soon as a breeding is confirmed, we will contact those on the Reservation List and see if they would like to consider a puppy from the upcoming/current litter or pass to the next. Most of our puppies are spoken for prior to birth, so if you are serious about adding one of our frenchies to your home, we strongly suggest getting on the Reservation List with a deposit. **PLEASE NOTE** We do require a telephone conversation or web call prior to accepting a deposit to ensure we are a good fit for what you are seeking. Please note that we are a small family breeder and therefore do not always have puppies available. We expect 1-2 litters per year, so your wait could be anywhere from weeks to months to a year or more depending on where you are on the waitlist.

  • All of our puppies come with our Keystone Elite Frenchies Care Kit which includes:

    • They will have been dewormed multiple times, examined by a veterinarian, and they will have their first Da2PCPV vaccine (Distemper/Parvo) by a licensed veterinarian. Health Record will be provided.

    • Puppy Care pack which comes with a bag of premium kibble, puppy blanket, toys, etc. ​

    • AKC Registeration

Frenchie Care FAQs*

  • Not more or less barkers compared to other breeds. French Bulldogs are not typically excessive barkers.

  • French Bulldogs make good watch dogs and can become somewhat territorial and protective.

  • They are fantastic companion dogs. They are fun, entertaining and loving. The French Bulldog is delightful, easy to groom, and requires little exercise.

  • Wonderfully. This is one reason the French Bulldog has been popular throughout the history of the breed. Frenchies like to be where you are and don’t take up too much space at all. It is good to get in a good walk as much as possible for overall health and exercise. If your Frenchie only gets the occasional walk to the grass outside, is at least something.

  • All dogs seem to do better with exposure to other aspects of life, other dogs, and people too. The French Bulldog should never be a mean, aggressive or a vicious animal. It is often recommended and a good idea to take your Frenchie visiting and to various places. This helps your dog be a better dog and not possibly overreact out of fear of the unknown. It also builds confidence and character in your dog. It gives you and the dog an easier time when separated or when traveling together.

    Your Frenchie should NEVER be penned up for long stretches of time. He or she needs to be a part of your life.

  • All young children need supervision around dogs, especially puppies. This is often for the puppy’s sake as well. That said, French Bulldogs are typically good around children.

  • That very much depends on the individual dog and whether the dog or the cat was introduced first to the household. If you already have a cat be prepared for possible failure.

  • This is very much a matter of personality combined with experience. For any individual dog, it is a question that must be tested to find the answer. Be sure that the test is supervised at all times.

    Try using the X-pen to introduce your new Frenchie to other dogs. While they are protected, get your other dog’s reaction and the Frenchie’s response. Sooner or later, a puppy may attempt to establish dominance in some cases with smaller or more submissive dogs.

  • They can be very willing. They can also be very stubborn and hardheaded too. If you make it a game they’ll want to play all the time. Frenchies are often considered people pleasers and love to be the center of attention.

  • Yes, Frenchies can snore and some are rather loud at it. Snoring is also aggravated by breathing deficiencies.

  • Sometimes you may find a Frenchie that is noisy or has labored breathing. They may have a longer tongue or an excessive soft palate that is obstructing their airway. Smaller nose openings can exaggerate their already noisy breathing characteristics.

    Note: Other symptoms of elongated soft palate are spitting up or regurgitating food or foam frequently. Consult your veterinarian for corrective alternatives.

  • Use consideration to feed a French Bulldog properly. Be aware of artificial preservatives and excessive protein and fillers. Some dogs may have allergic reactions to certain commercial foods. Read the label and know what suits your dog’s needs best. Consult your veterinarian if your dog experiences food allergies. Food allergies are not uncommon in Frenchies.

    A healthy Frenchie is not overweight. Too many pounds can damage their physical structure and shorten their lifespan.

    Note: Wheat products are known to be flatulence producing in some French Bulldogs. Corn products and fillers that are an additional source of protein may cause hives (skin rashes or irritations).

  • Some dogs are harder than others. Crate training is very helpful in house breaking. A dog perceives it as their “den” and will not soil it. Develop a routine after they eat, before bed and first thing in the morning, and be consistent. A minimum of three potty breaks a day are necessary.

    For puppies, potty breaks should be every two hours. Remember a puppy’s little bladders may not be under control as quickly as we’d like so be positive.

  • Yes, but these dogs are single coated and shed less most other breeds.

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